(INVITED)Judd-Ofelt analysis, visible to NIR photoluminescence emission under 450 nm and 976 nm exc.
A Review of In Vivo and Clinical Studies Applying Scaffolds and Cell Sheet Technology for Periodonta
Comparison of three droplet microreactors for the continuous production of nano and micro particles
Three droplet microreactors for the potential continuous synthesis of micro and nano particles (Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CONs) and calcium phosphate crystals (CaPs))
Fatigue life of 3D-printed porous titanium dental implants predicted by validated finite element sim
Porous dental implants represent a promising strategy to reduce failure rate by favoring osseointegration or delivering drugs locally. Incorporating porous features weakens the mechanical capacity of an implant, but sufficient fatigue strength must be ensured as regulated in the ISO 14801 standard. Experimental fatigue testing is a costly and time-intensive part of the implant development process that could be accelerated with validated computer simulations. This study aimed at developing, calibrating, and validating a numerical workflow to predict fatigue strength on six porous configurations of a simplified implant geometry.
I-SMarD - Regulatory Workshop Agenda
I-SMarD - Regulatory Workshop Agenda